Igor Kheifets & Joel Peterson Special Webinar Invite...

How To Start An Ultra Profitable Online Publishing Business And Get Paid When People Simply Click On Ads

Live Training
Thursday, December 6th @ 2pm Eastern

Join me for a very special webinar where I've invited my special guest who is  going to share a very simple yet ultra profitable business model that anyone can start online even if you are brand new or have had zero success in the past.

It's called "The Instant Publisher Biz" model and you get paid when people simply click on Ads on your website.

On the webinar my guest is going to walk you through the process from start to finish and give you the details of how he sets up these sites and will share several case studies of others doing this making in excess of $1,000 a day using arbitrage traffic methods.

If you are interested in a business where...

+ You don't need experience
+ You don't need a product
+ You don't need a list
+ You don't have any customer support
+ You can make money 24/7
+ No income cap on your earning potential
+ You can do it in your spare time
+ You don't have to talk to people
+ You build an asset you could sell
+ You don't have to create any content if you don't want to

+ You can have all the "Techie" stuff done for you.

...then you need to join us as we teach this business model in detail.

On the webinar my guest is going to demonstrate how it works, show you several examples of the types of earnings he makes and give you several case studies of others doing this and their results.

See you on the training!

Igor Kheifets & Joel Peterson

Below is a recent example of just one of his sites that makes daily revenue like this simply when someone clicks on a ad.

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