Free Online Training Event:
"How To Start An Online 'Click Money' Business In Your Spare Time That Can Replace Your Day-Job And Finally Get You Out Of The Rat-Race!"
"The Live Training Will Teach How To Build A Successful Online Business Even If You Have ZERO Experience." - (free for a limited time)
Next Class Starting: Today
Only 200 Spots Available On The Webinar
Joel escaped the "Rat Race" in 2004 when he first discovered online marketing and since then has taught thousands of others to do the same. Over the years many successful marketers got their start by learning from him. However he just considers himself a "Regular Guy" who decided to make a decision do something "Different" with is life. What he is MOST proud of is his wife and 6 children and the time they get to spend together! People love his "Down-To-Earth" style and his no-hype approach to creating an online business.
What You Will Learn On This Free Webinar:
The Ultimate Online Business Model
On the training you will learn how 11+ years ago my daughter accidentally showed me the "Click Money" business model that requires no selling of products, no previous experience, no customer support, no need for an email list, no need to talk to people ever, creates income 24/7, creates a true asset you could sell, and you can outsource much of the work.
See It From Start To Finish
On the training I'm going to walk you through the process from start to finish and give you the details of how we setup these click money sites and how you can copy our process so be prepared to learn and take detailed notes. Plus I'll show you several case studies of regular people who started their own "Click Money" businesses so you will get to see their results.
What A "Click Money Profit Stream" Is
On the live training I'll teach you what a "Click Money Profit Stream" is and how they can set you free. I'll show you how these income streams can generate profits 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. You will learn how to scale them and create a solid, long-term business for you and your family. If you can do email, you can do this.
*** PLUS - Just for fun, each week we give away an ipad mini to one of our attendees. All you have to do is attend the training and PARTICIPATE To BE Entered To Win.
"Love your authenticity and transparency that you exude, thank you for sharing this webinar."
Lloyd Gromberg
"Real Value. I like that these small amounts of money seem more achievable and can add up to real income. So glad I attended this training!"
Greg Little
"Joel - once again you have given me hope. I believe I can make money with this system."
Harold Frost
"What I like best is that this is time tested and has a positive history. Thank you so much! Hi HIGHLY recommend this training webinar."
Errol Blackburn
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